Republic Day SMS / Text Messages

Republic Day Of India is celebrated on 26th January, as we modernize and increase the use of technology, exchanging greetings electronically has become essential. It's very common for peoples to search and share messages using following keywords:
2020 Republic day SMS, Republic Day Quotes & Sayings, Republic Day Greetings, Happy Republic Day SMS, Republic Day Messages / MSGS, Republic Day Wishes, Republic Day Quotations / Quotes, Republic Day Speech / Slogans, Indian Republic Day SMS and 26 January SMS.

Warmest Happy Republic Day Wish

We Send You Our Warmest Republic Day Wishes
As We Hail the Glory Of This Land
With The Salutation Of Vande Mataram
Best Wishes

Best Wishes on Indian Republic Day

Our Best Wishes to You
On the Republic Day
Let Us Salute the Prosperity of India
and Every Freedom Fighter
Who Made It Possible
Let Us Hail the Glory Of
This Wonderful Country India
and its Freedom Fighters
Who Made it All a Victory for Us

Vande Mataram

Vande Mataram

Let Us Pray For
The Prosperity and Unity of Our Country
On this Republic Day
As We Remember Those Who Fought
to Give Us the Freedom

Vande Mataram

Happy Republic Day / 26 Janaury 2020

The Almighty In The Most High Grants
Liberty Only To Those Who Love It,
And Are Always Ready To Defend It

Happy Republic Day (26 January)

Best Wishes For Republic Day

May The Brightest Star
In Its Course
Visit No Land More Free,
Happier, More Lovely,
Than This Our Own Land.
My Best Wishes To You

On This Republic Day.

Make Our Nation Progress

To Improve Is To Change;
Being Perfect Is To Change Often.
Let's Always Strive To Change
Often To Make Our Nation Progress.

Happy Republic Day

Happy Republic Day Wish

May You Have Enough Happiness
To Make You Sweet,
Enough Trials To Make You Strong,
Enough Sorrow To Keep You Human And
Enough Hope To Bring Joy To Our Nation.

Happy Republic Day

Inspirational RepublicDay Message

We Might Not Be The Richest Nation In The World,
We Might Be Deprived Of The Finances
And The Luxuries Of This World,
But My Brothers And Sister
Let Us Maintain Our Peaceful Coexistence
And Above All Love For Our Nation.

Happy Republic Day.

Happy Republic Day Brother

We The Young Generation Of This Nation
Should Make A Vow
A Vow To Protect This Nation
From The Manacles Of Racism
And All Acts Of Discrimination.

Happy Republic Day Brother.

Republic Day 2020 Gift Message

When They Resisted The Booming
And Shelling Of The Colonial Guns,
Our Founder Fathers Wanted Nothing
But Sovereignty For This Nation,
Let Us Always Defend This Gift
From Our Predecessors.

Happy Republic Day.