Inspirational Quotes SMS / Text Messages

Inspirational quotes SMS category will be catering the following needs of our visitors

Inspirational messages, inspirational quotes poems, inspirational teacher quotes, graduation inspirational quotes, funny inspirational quotes, famous inspirational quotes, free inspirational quotes, short inspirational quotes and inspiration stories

Nice line for true relation

A very short but very nice line for a true relation-

"Hurt me with the truth,
Never comfort me with a lie."

Good people are like street lights

Good people are like street lights along the roads

They don't make the distance short
but they light up the path
make the walk EASY & SAFE

Truth is like oil in water

Truth Is Always Like Oil In Water;

No Matter How Much Of Water You Add,

It Always Floats On Top..!"

Your ability that shines

'The Size Of Candles May Differ
But They Yield The Same Brightness.
It's Not The Matter Of Your Position,
But Your Ability That Shines.'

3 Simple rules in life

3 Simple rules in life

1. If you do not GO after what you want,
You will never have it.

2. If you do not ASK,
The answer will always be NO.

3.If you do not step FORWARD,
You will ALWAYS be in the same place.

The biggest enemy of success

The biggest enemy of success is "Fear of failure"
So when FEAR knocks at your DOOR,
send COURAGE to open the DOOR
success will wait for you.

Experience life to understand it

If u never tasted a bad apple.
You would never appreciate a good apple.
You have to experience life to understand life.. :-)

Where u will reach tomorrow

Every King was once a crying baby
every great building was once a map.
It's not important where u r TODAY,
where you will reach TOMORROW is important.

Never be proud . . .!

Never b Proud,
For what u r & the Position u hold,
Bcoz after a Game of Chess,
the King & the Soldiers
go into the same box..!