Islamic SMS / Text Messages

Collection of islamic sms / text messages & islamic quotation in roman urdu & english. Find free sms for religious messages from our islamic sms messages collection

Make sure your food is good

Make sure your food is good
(halal and bought with halal earnings),
and you will be one whose prayers are answered.

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!
Watch your Words, they become Actions!
Watch your Actions, they become Habits!
Watch your Habits, they become Character!
Watch your CHARACTER!, It becomes your DESTINY!!!

When I lose hope / plans

"O God, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing...
Then help me to remember that,
Your Love is always greater than my disappointments,
& Your Plans for my life are always better than my dreams.."
(Ameen) Share this prayer wth all. It strengthen's faith.

Statistics of Quran-e-Pak

Invitation of Namaz is 700 times in Quran,
Hazrat Ayesha was the first who counted all qurani ayats,
Quran-e-Pak was completed in 22 years, 5 months & 14 days.
The name of Allah is 2584 times in Quran-e-Pak,
Qurn-e-Pak has translated in 103 languages in the world,
4 Names of masjids r mentioned in Quran-e-Pak

May Allah increase ur EMAN

May Allah increase ur EMAN,
Grant u AHSAN,
Restore on u SABAR,
Delight u in ZIKER,
Bless u with TAQWA,
Accept ur TOBA
honour u with JANNAT(HEAVEN)

Prayer is a free outgoing call to GOD

Prayer is a free outgoing call to GOD,
no network or battery problem,
always good signal & all messages sent.

Make prayer a habit and
remember me in your prayer.