SMS / Text Messages

Sardar's Leave application

Sardar's Leave application

Dear Sir,
My wife is ill.
As there is no other Husband
in the family to look after her,
Kindly grant me leave for one day.

Best Women's Day 2020 Msg

While v were learning to speak,
our mom understood everythng v tried to say.
Today v speak a lot & claim "mom,u don't understand!"
How life changes.N so do WE..
Love & Respect all Women (mother, sister, friend, etc)

Latest version of java

Interviewer asked sardarji:
Which are the 2 latest versions of java?

Sardarji: Marjava & Mitjava

Number dial karnay se pehley do lagain

A sardarji went to a
slapped the operator twice.

:-( Guess why ?

bcoz there it was written
"Number dial karnay se pehley do lagain"

Special ways 2 make my life better

On women's day,
I'm thinking about the special ways you have made my life better.
The little things, the not-so-little things...
Your kindness, the way you always listen and pay attention to me.
You make my world .

Beauty of the Lady

The willingness to listen,
the patience to understand,
the strength to support,
the heart to care & just to be there..
that is the beauty of a lady!
Happy Women's Day!

Women has many roles 2 play

She has many roles 2 play:Mother,Sister,Daughter,Friend & so on.
Every legend was born of her pain!,
'WoMeN's DaY!'

Pair of strange socks

Teacher : What a pair of strange socks you are wearing,
one is green and one is blue with red spots!

Sardar ji: Yes it's really strange.
I've got another pair of the same at home.

Womens have strengths

"WOMEN have strengths that amazes man..
she can handle trouble & carry heavy burdens..
she holds happiness, love & opinions.."

Happy Womens Day

I'm a PAPER, u can write ur feelings

I'm a PAPER,
u can write ur feelings,
scribble ur anger,
use me 2 absorb tears.
Don't throw me after use but
when u feel cold burn me
to feel warm cause I Love you.