Be a diode/transistor/resistor & capacitor
To Remove Negative Thinking
To Amplify The Character
To Drop Bad Habits
To Store Good Thoughts:-)
To Remove Negative Thinking
To Amplify The Character
To Drop Bad Habits
To Store Good Thoughts:-)
Man's mind,
once stretched by a new idea,
never regains its original dimensions.
(Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr)
In a train, ticket checker to a saint: Ticket please!
Saint: I don't have.
TT: Where do you want to go?
Saint: Lord Ram's birth place, Ayodhya!
TT: Come, lets go!
Saint: Where?
TT: Lord Krishna'a birth place, Jail.
An Angry Wife To
Her Husband 0n Phone:
"Where d Hell Are You ... ?"
Darling You Remember That
Jewelery Shop Where You Saw
The Diamond Necklace n Totally
Fell In Love With It n I Didn't
Have Money That Time n I said
"Baby It'll Be Yours 1 Day ... " O:)
Wife, With A Smile & Blushing:
Yeah I Remember That My Love !
I m In The Pub Just Next To That Shop
A Youing Couple Were
Having Their First Fight
And It Was A Big One
After A While,
The Husband Said:
"When We Got Married,
You Promised To Love,
Honor n Obey"
His Bride Replied:
"I Know But I Didn't
Want To Start An
Argument In Front Of
All Those People At d
Self-pity gets you nowhere.
One must have the adventurous daring to accept
oneself as a bundle of possibilities and
undertake the most interesting game
in the world -- making the most of one's best.
(Harry Emerson Fosdick)
Smile in Pleasure
Smile in Pain
Smile when trouble pours like Rain
Smile when someone Hurts U
Smile because SOMEONE
still Loves to see u Smiling
Magic Words For A
Great Relationship Are,
" I Love You "
" Just The Way You Are "
The only man who never makes mistakes
is the man who never does anything.
(Theodore Roosevelt)
Husband was seriously ill.
Doc to wife :-
Give him healthy breakfast, be pleasant & in gud mood,
don’t discuss ur problems,
no tv serial, dont demand new clothes & gold jewels,
Do this for 1 yr & he will be ok.
On the way home..
Husband :- wat did the doc say ?
Wife :- .No chance for u to survive
''An Intelligent Wife Is One
Who Makes Sure She Spends
So Much
Her Husband
Can't Afford Another
Women" :P
Sardarji to others:
Did anyone lose money wrapped in a rubber band?
One said, Yes I did
Sardar: Well, it's your lucky day,
I found the rubberband!