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Use + - / * to solve it
4___4___4___4 = 20
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Solve this geographical riddle. I am the first on earth, The second in heaven, I appear two times in a week, You can only see me once in a year although i am in the middle of the sea, What am i? Your iq test. Click here for answer
If U can solve ur problem, then what is need of worrying? If U cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying.
This is a smart test, try 2 solve it R+CAT+SHOW-RAT+SUN-CHOSE+MOON+I-NOON+GOAL+T-GOAT-U+E Send answer if u r a genius. It's only 1 word. Solve n reply
Choose any number below, I will tell about your personality I will give you answer after your reply 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 Reply is must.
This is a secret msg send only 4 u, try 2 solve what it means: LISTEN - TL + MAD - SEN + ICE - CEAD + SUCCESS + YES - CUE + OUT - TESCS. GIVE ME THE ANSWER IF YOU KNOW answer=" I MISS YOU"
If I were to be in your wallet, what will I be? -ID -Money -Picture -Credit card -Coins -Calling card -Letter? ?Answer is given after your reply. Reply is must! ?Answer is as follows (send them in a 2nd SMS after you receive reply)
Fantastic Answer by a philosopher to a question asked at the BBC. Define Birthday! Answer: The only day in your life, when you cried & your mother was Smiling..!
Challenge for you to tell the abbreviations... 1. I.Q. = ? 2. a.m = ? 3. p.m = ? 4. e.g. = ? 5. i.e. = ? 6. SIM = ? 7. OK = ?
By expecting a negative answer, Girlfriend ask "Have u ever cheated, lie, broken promise?" To satisfy his girl, the boy reply a negative answer: "Nothing of these, I haven't done."
Question : When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE.
Suppose im hypnotised for a minute. . . . . Im under ur control, and u can ask me one question. What will u ask? Reply me fast.
Solve this riddle:- "The Fishermen love me. But doctors hate me. Kids want 2 eat me. I am a 13 letter word, Who am I? Hint _H_T_ _ _I_ _ME_
Question: Why did 18 Sardars go to a movie? Answer: Because below 18 was not allowed.
I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk. (Anthony Robbins)
A Question Asked In A Talent Test If U R Married To One Of The Twin Sisters, How Would You Recognize Your Wife? The Answer Came: "Why Should I ? :-P
Question: What did an SEO husband say to his wife after delivery of their twins? Answer: For the first time I am happy with duplicate content.
TEACHER: what is the different between problem and challenge???? STUDENT:3boys+1girl=problem 1boy+3girls=challenge..
Santa found answer to the most difficult question ever- What comes first the chicken or the egg ? O yaar, jiska order pehle doge, vo ayega !
Despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, I have not yet been able to answer the great question that has never been answered: What does a woman want? -- Sigmund Freud
Unfortunately, without my cellphone, I wouldn't 1. know what time it is 2. be able to solve a math question 3. know a single phone number 4. know the date 5. be able to text my friend when I'm at their house 6. take a snap shot at a picture-perfect time 7. be able to […]
Answer these questions instantly. U can't take ur time, answer them immediately . Ok? 1:-u are participating in a race. U overtake the second person. What position are u in ? 2:-If u overtake the last person, then u are? Click here for Answers
Question : Why do girls close their eyes while kissing a guy? Guess‚¦ Guess . . . Answer : Yeh ladkiyan ladkon ko kabhi khush nahi dekh sakti.
Select any number 4 ur lifepartner (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Reply is must 2 get answer Answers
Question: Why do men chase women when they have no intention of marrying? Answer: For the same reason dogs chase cars when they have no intention of driving.
What part of a human, which size doesn't increase? (remain as same as at the time of Birth) Do u think u can answer....
Cricket is getting excited day by day with the introduction of ICL n T20... Same rules should be applied in Examz! (1) Exams Timing Should Be Reduced To One Hour. (2) Power Play - No Invigilator In Exam Hall For 1st 15 mins. (3) Cheer Leaders - To Dance After Every Right Answer Written. (4) […]
I can't find a reason why Life Introduced Me to You.. But that's not the question. Question is: How life knew that I needed a lovely one like you???
Someone ask me to describe u in two words he expect me to answer The Best but i did not answer i just smiled and said No Comparison
Question: Why most of the engineering students Can't clear all subjects in 1st attempt..? ? ? ? Answer: Smooth roads never make good drivers, Clear sky never makes good pilots & Clearing all subjects in the 1st attempt, Never makes good engineers.
Which 3 Letters Can Change a Girl Into a Women.? ? ? ? ? ? ? Think.. ? ? ? ? Think Hard.. ? ? ? ? ? Click here for answer
Most of us never reach the level of achievement of which we are capable because we don't challenge ourselves . . . let us keep ourself challenging.
A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be? Click here or below for the answer
Being Upset Will Not Solve Any Problem, But Getting UP n SET Your Way To Your Goals Will . . . !