SMS / Text Messages

Behind A SMILE

You Can Hide Alot ...
Behind A SMILE

B r o k e n
H e a r t

S h a t t e r e d
D r e a m s

L o n g i n g
D e s i r e s ...

On Halloween, witches come true;

On Halloween, witches come true;
Wild ghosts escape from dreams.
Each monster dances in the park....
~Nicholas Gordon

Make for me a place within your heart

Make for me a place within your heart
On which I can depend. For only you
Touch the ancient wellsprings of my tears,
Home through all the wanderings of my years,
Eden that no other can renew,
Root I cannot rend through rage or art.

May the angels protect u...Happy Easter

May the angels protect u...
may the sadness forget u...
may goodness surround u...
and may Allah always bless u...
Happy Easter!!!

Sardar got job in a telenor call centre

Sardar got job in a telenor call centre.
Customer: telelenor sim blocked what to do?
Sardar: dont take tension remove telenor &
put warid sim.
Thank you for calling ufone.

Why do men chase women?

Question: Why do men chase women
when they have no intention of marrying?

Answer: For the same reason dogs chase cars
when they have no intention of driving.

Holidays in European, Western, and British countries are celebrated in the month of December. To exchange holiday gifts and greetings we compliments our friends, family near and dear ones with cards and writing a message on that holiday card is sometimes tricky as we wish to writing something cool. So here we have gathered some decent list of holidays messages that can be used in wishing happy holiday cards. If you are searching for Happy Holidays Messages, Happy Holidays Wishes, Happy Holidays Quotes, Happy Holidays Saying, or Happy Holidays Quotes, you have landed at right place. Happy Holidays :-).

Have a great women's day

On this special day,
celebrate life.
Take a break from your busy schedule.
Let your hair down, have fun and do what your heart says.
Cause today is your day. Have a great Women's Day!

With Love, Happy Rose Day

Roses Are Lovely Flowers And
They Always Brighten A Room
And Bring Joy To The Heart.
You Have Done The Same For Me,
Brightened My Life And Brought Joy Into It.

Happy Rose Day And Lots Of Love.

Vande Mataram Message

Republic Day Is the Time to Recall
The Famous Vande Mataram
The Chant That Gave Us The Freedom
May The Indian Spirit Prosper Forever
To Remember Is To Cherish
Let Us Remember and Chant Vande Mataram