Examples of stupid questions people ask
Examples of stupid questions people ask..
1. When people c u lying down, wid ur eyes closd dy still ask:- r u sleepin?
2. When it's rainin & some1 notices u goin out, dy ask: - r u going out in dis rain?
3. Ur friend calls ur home fone:- where r u?
4. Dey see u wet comin 4m de bathroom:- did u just hav a bath?
5. U r standin rite in front of de elevator on the ground floor & dey ask:- goin up?
6. U bring a bunch of flowers 4 ur sweet heart. & dey ask:- r dose fl.wers?
7. U'r on the queue 2 buy tickets de cinema, a friend saw u & ask:- wat r u doin here?