SMS / Text Messages

A cup of hot HELLO - good morning

Morning time a cup of hot hello,
A plate of crispy wishes,
A spoon of sweet smiles &
A slice of great success specially for u
Enjoy the day!!!!!!!!
Good Morning

Most problems due becoz of two reasons

Most of the problems in life comes
because of two reasons .

First, we act without thinking
second,We keep thinking without acting.

Relatinships r like a book

Relatinships r like a book
It taks a few seconds to burn
It takes years to write
So write it carfuly
never let it Burn!!
~Author Unknown

Collection of islamic sms / text messages & islamic quotation in roman urdu & english. Find free sms for religious messages from our islamic sms messages collection

Hello, wake up, Receive my simple gift of

wake up,
Receive my simple gift of 'GOOD MORNING'
wrapped with sincerity,
tied with care
sealed with a prayer
to keep u safe
happy all day long!
Take Care!

2 very painfull things

Shakespare says
There r 2 things in LIFE that r very painful
One is when ur love loves you & doesn't tell u...
Second when ur love doesn't love u and tells u.
~Author Unknown

Blessings of eating together

Eat together and not separately,
for the blessings is associated with the company.
(Ibn Majah).

Thank you for waking me up.

Thank you for waking me up.
A warm good morning, after
sweet dreams of last night.
wish you a good day with good morning:)

When I lose hope / plans

"O God, when I lose hope because my plans have come to nothing...
Then help me to remember that,
Your Love is always greater than my disappointments,
& Your Plans for my life are always better than my dreams.."
(Ameen) Share this prayer wth all. It strengthen's faith.

No fear in love, and love is not what u can receive

There is no fear in Love,
if the Love is real and perfect it overshadows all fears and Concern.

Love is not what you can receive
it's all about what you can give.
~Author Unknown