SMS / Text Messages

A man who ....

We need to teach our daughters
to know the difference between:

A man who flatters her
A man who complmements her,

A man who spends money on her
A man who invests in her

A man who views her as property
A man who views her properly

A man who lusts after her
A man who loves her,

A man who believes he's A gift to women,
A man who believes she's A gift to him.

And then we need to teach our sons to be that kind of man.

7 Angels came 2 Me

7 Angels came 2 Me
asked 4 the most Inteligent,
Smart, Nice, Sweet,
Noble and Well Groomed Person.
So I gave Them Your Address
Dekha kesa Ullu banaya Un ko!:D

A child can teach an adult 3 things

A child can teach an adult 3 things:

1_To be happy for no reason,
2-To always be busy with something,
3-To know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.

~Paulo Coelho

We will now upgrade your brain

We will now upgrade your brain,
please wait....
still searching....
NO BRAIN found...!

The true value of moment

Sometimes u will never know
the true value of moment
until it becomes a MEMORY.

An old rich man marries a young girl.

An old rich man marries a young girl.
Interviewer ask to girl-
aap nay in main shadi ke liye kya dekha?
girl- ek to inki income, aur doosre inke din kam.

True love is eternal, infinite

True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself.
It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations:
it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.

People like u r remembered forever

Flowers die,
Stories end,
Songs fade,
Memories are forgotten,
All things come 2 end,
But people like u r remembered forever,

I'm trying to free your mind.

I'm trying to free your mind.
But I can only show you the door.
You're the one
That has to walk through it.

When she is in problem again

Thought of the day:
"if u help a gal when she is in problem,
she will always remember u
only when she is in problem again..!!"


U may meet people,
better than me,
funnier than me,
more beautiful than me,
but one thing i can say 2 u _ _
I will always be there 4 u when they all leave u.