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Today's Reality : (Not A Joke)

Today's Reality : (Not A Joke)

Big House But Small Family.!
More Degrees But Less Common Sense.
Advanced Medicine But Poor Health.!
Touched Moon But Neighbours Unknown.!
High Income But Less Peace Of Mind.!
High IQ But Less Emotions.!
Good Knowledge But Less Wisdom.!
Lots Of Human Beings But Less Humanity.!
Many Comedians,But None Are.. FreaKy.!

Save girl friend number as low battery

I Have Saved My Girl Friend Number As "LOW BATTERY"
So Whenever She Calls & I Am Not Around
My Wife Plugs My Phone To The Charger :p


Chandani raat me our bhi shiddat se aaye gi us ki yaad
Behtar hai faraz so jana sham se pehle.

Share with the one who knows U

Care for the one who shares with U,
Share with the one who knows U,
Know the one who misses U,
MISS the one who well wishes for U,
Wish u a very Good Luck!

Evil made a mother-in-law.

God thought that since
he couldn't b everywhere
he made a mother.

Then devil thought that
he couldn't be everywhere
he made a mother-in-law.

What is a adult joke?

Sardarji was asked,
what is a adult joke?

Reply came
any joke which is eighteen years old.

By wife ....

Police Officer: I arrest people, But, when I go home, I'm under house arrest, by Wife

Professor: I give lectures to students, But, when I go home, I get Lectured hourly, by wife

CEO: I'm the Boss, But, when I go home, I always feel like an employee, by wife

Judge: I give Justice, but when I go home, I Beg for Justice, by wife

Kiss is the first step to show

Kiss is the first step to show
how much i love you,
how much i think about you,
how much i miss u
show that i trust u...

I'm still in love

The hours turned to days,
days to weeks,
and weeks to months.
Nothing has changed,
I'm still in love
you're still gone.