Santa Banta SMS / Text Messages

Simply a hilarious collection of santa banta sms jokes / text messages.

Cut workload by 50%

Salesman:This computer will
cut your workload by 50%.

Santa:That is great,
I will take two of them:p

Santa & Mathematical conversion

Maths Teacher Was Teaching
Mathematical Conversions

1000 Kgs= Ton.

For 3000 Kgs
=How Much?


Santa in court

SANTA went to court

"Order ! Order !"

"1 Pizza, 2 Dosa, 3 Idli & 1 Cold-drink !"

"Shut Up !"


Headlights and wipers

After an accident,
A v.angry driver: I showed u d headlights
& told u 2 go by side.

Santa: I also started d wipers
& said No, no..No no. :D

Theif entered kitchen

Santa: Look a thief has entered our kitchen
and he is eating the cake I made.

Banta: Whom should I call now,
Police or Ambulance?

Coffee and wine shop difference

Santa-What Is Difference
Between COFFEE Shop & WINE
Banta-COFFEE Shop Is The
Starting Point Of LOVE & WINE
Shop Is Last Point Of LOVE

Santa was drawing money from ATM.

Santa was drawing money from ATM.
Banta, who was just behind him in
the line said: I've seen ur password. It's ****.
Sant: U r wrong. It's 1394.

Kissing ur wife in ur home....

A man to Santa:
Your friend is kissing your wife in your home.
Santa rushes home and came back within
half an hour and slapped the man
and said:
"He's not my friend."

Lion bounced on wife

In an African Safari,A LION suddenly bounced on Santa's wife.
WIFE-Shoot him! Shoot him!
SANTA-Yes Yes.I'm changing d battery of my camera..