SMS / Text Messages

The full form of PAINS !

Whenever you get pain in your life
Just think about the full form of PAINS !


I will take either side

A lawyer saw an auto accident on street.
He rushed over and started handing out
business cards saying:
I saw the whole thing..
I will take either side.

My personality and my attitude.

Make no mistake between
my personality and my attitude.

My personailty is who I am,
My attitude depends on who you are.

Devil challenged in a game of cricket

The devils challenged
the angels to a game of cricket.

We have got all the cricketers, said the Angels.
Devils:No problem,
we have got all the umpires.

When do you want to start?

Boss:I will give you Rs.25 an hour starting today
and in 3 months, I will raise it to Rs.50 an hour.
When do you want to start?
New employee:In 3 months.

I know nothing lasts 4ever

I know nothing lasts 4ever,
& may be we went 2 alawys stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
convinces me that memories of u &
me will last 4 the rest of my life..
Beyond 4ever.

I am Looking for a Bank

I am Looking for a Bank
which can perform Two things for me.

Give me a Loan,
then Leave me Alone :p

Ur aim in life should b 54321..

Ur aim in life shud b 54321..
Shockd !!
I mean‚¦

5- Five digit salary
4- Four wheeler vehicle
3- Three room flat
2- Two cute children
1- One sweetheart

The two main rules of the company..

A boss was telling an applicant the two main rules of the company

He said, "Our 2nd main rule is cleanliness.
Did you wipe your feet on the mat before coming in?"

The applicant replied, "Yes sir! I did."

Then the boss said,
"Our 1st main rule is trustworthiness.
There was no mat!" :-P

Happy new month of JUNE

Happy new month
I pray the month of june
will bring forth to our life:
J...joyful noise.
U..unlimited favour. mercy.
E..everlasting grace

Whom do u like more mama or papa

Papa: whom do u like more mama or papa

kid: both
Papa: no tell me 1.
Kid: both
Papa: if i go america & ur mother go to paris. Where u go?
Kid: paris
Papa: this mean u like ur mother?
Kid: no.
Paris is beautiful then america
Papa: if i go paris & ur mother go america so where u go
Kid: america
Papa: why kid: bcuz i havent been there before . .

Papa: Ullu da Pattha.. ;-p