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Simple truth of present

Simple truth of present:
if u dont want to know whats pain,
don't love anyone truely.

If someone loves you truly,
never show them whats pain.
~Author Unknown

Its time to wish

The breeze has awakened the earth,
The sun gave brightness to the earth,
Birds gave melodious music to the earth,
Then its the time to wish my sweet friend
Good Morning

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!

Watch your Thoughts, they become Words!
Watch your Words, they become Actions!
Watch your Actions, they become Habits!
Watch your Habits, they become Character!
Watch your CHARACTER!, It becomes your DESTINY!!!

Allahs blessings are a treasure so true

Allahs blessings are a treasure so true,
that their value cannot be measured,
and one of Allahs blessings is you!

Make each moment a happy one

Happiness is not something u postpone 4 the future.
It''s something u design 4 the present.
Make each moment a happy one.
I just did it by remembering U!
Good Morning & Have a nice day

Life is like a coin

Life is like a coin
Pleasure and pain are the two sides,
Only one side is visible at time,
But remember
other side also waiting for its turn

To love and be loved

There is only one
happiness in life,
to love
and be loved.

~Author Unknown

A cup of hot HELLO - good morning

Morning time a cup of hot hello,
A plate of crispy wishes,
A spoon of sweet smiles &
A slice of great success specially for u
Enjoy the day!!!!!!!!
Good Morning

Most problems due becoz of two reasons

Most of the problems in life comes
because of two reasons .

First, we act without thinking
second,We keep thinking without acting.

Relatinships r like a book

Relatinships r like a book
It taks a few seconds to burn
It takes years to write
So write it carfuly
never let it Burn!!
~Author Unknown