SMS / Text Messages

Don't wait until it's too late

Don't wait until it's too late
to tell someone how much you love,
how much you care.

Because when they're gone,
no matter how loud you shout and cry,
they won't hear you anymore.

Happy Valentine's Day

The colorful festival of holi 2020 will start from 17th of March 2020 and will continue for 2 days until Wednesday, the 19th of March 2020. So, you have got an idea that it's time to send Holi SMS, Holi wishes, holi messages & holi text greetings to your friends & loved ones and you needs some good Holi festival SMS. We have compiled a great collection of Holi greetings messages that you can SMS to share your special feeling of the Holi festival.

From ghoulies and ghosties

From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!
~Scottish Saying

Easter says

Easter says
you can put
truth in a grave,
but it won't stay there.

Politics is derived from...

The word politics is derived from the word poly,
meaning many,
and the word tics, meaning blood sucking parasites.


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Cham cham khailain

( ';' )
kiya aap busy hain
(")( '; ' )(")
( . )
to aayein cham cham khailain

I am sorry

How can I begin to say I am sorry.
I didnt mean to upset you.
I hope that you can forgive me.

I am sorry.

Shwe shoro da Zankadan Salgai IMDADA

Da makham tyare khwaregi Janan neshta
Zrha Zama pase khogegi Janan nishta
Yak tanha Jwandun da cha pa intizar ke
Pa salgo salgo teregi Janan neshta.
Ger chapera mehfaloono ta che goram
Yaran khpalo k khandegi Janan nishta
Sparle raghlo ho malgaro za ye sa kram
Bulbulan ka khoshalegi Janan neshta
Che me yaar sara pa meena tere kare
Hagha wraze me yadgi Janan neshta.
Za ghamono da Janan zare zare kram
Dwara starge me waregi Janan neshta.
Shwe shoro da Zankadan Salgai IMDADA
Rooh zamana rawanegi Janan neshta.

Sadness of the women's movement

The sadness of the women's movement is that
they don't allow the necessity of love.
See, I don't personally trust any revolution where love is not allowed.

Think of My Love On Rose Day

What Can Compare To A Red Rose
As A Symbol Of My Love,
It Is Beautiful And Soft
Just Like My Love For You.
Think Of The Caress Of The Soft Petals
Of A Rose When You Think Of My Love
Throughout This Rose Day.

Color Of Our Flag

As We Match Out
In The Spirit Of Brotherhood And Nationhood,
Let Us Not Forget To Defend
The Colors Of Our Flag With All We Have.

Happy Republic Day.