SMS / Text Messages

Best Advice is to ignore advices

Best Advice
"Ignore Advices "
Life is too short to be
distracted by the opinions of others...
live it the way you want..!

Fatman sitting in a train cabin

A man sees a fat man
sitting in a train cabin.

Taunting, he asks:
Is this cabin for elephants only!

Fat man humbly replies:
No!Even monkeys like you can sit!

People change for 2 reasons

People change for 2 reasons:
1-They have learned a lot,
they have been hurt too many times.

I can't eat such a rotten chicken.

Diner: I can't eat such a rotten chicken.
Call the manager!
Waiter: It's no use. He won't eat it either.

Interesting research about all blood groups

Interesting research about all blood groups
A+ : Good Leadership
A- : Hard Working
B+ : Can give up [sacrifice] for others.
B- : Non - flexible, Selfish & Sadistic
O+ : Born to Help
O- : Narrow minded
AB+ : Very Difficult to Understand
AB- : Sharp & INtelligent.

Miss me or hate me

"Miss me" or "Hate me",
Both are in my favour.

If you miss me,I 'm always in your heart.
If you hate me,I'll always be in your mind.

A man who ....

We need to teach our daughters
to know the difference between:

A man who flatters her
A man who complmements her,

A man who spends money on her
A man who invests in her

A man who views her as property
A man who views her properly

A man who lusts after her
A man who loves her,

A man who believes he's A gift to women,
A man who believes she's A gift to him.

And then we need to teach our sons to be that kind of man.

7 Angels came 2 Me

7 Angels came 2 Me
asked 4 the most Inteligent,
Smart, Nice, Sweet,
Noble and Well Groomed Person.
So I gave Them Your Address
Dekha kesa Ullu banaya Un ko!:D

A child can teach an adult 3 things

A child can teach an adult 3 things:

1_To be happy for no reason,
2-To always be busy with something,
3-To know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.

~Paulo Coelho