We love most, who love us most
When we are happy...
We search the person- we love the most...
"When we are sad...
We search the person- who loves us the most..."
When we are happy...
We search the person- we love the most...
"When we are sad...
We search the person- who loves us the most..."
I would never be tired of you
even if I am with you all day long.
In fact I grow to like you
a little more every day.
I love you.
YouRe So Far Way
Yet You Are Here
I CanT See Your Face
But I Can Feel You Near
I CanT Touch You
But I Hold You Close
No Matter Where You Are
YouRe In My Heart
Wherever I Go
Hopefully The Miles Between Us
Will Disappear Soon
Because All I Want
Is To Be With You
Once A Girl Askd Her Bf :
Why We Have Units To Measure
Weight, Height & Distance
Not Love, Friendship & Trust?
Boy Thought For A While
Took Her In His Arms,
Looked Deep In Her Eyes & Said
Look, DON'T Eat My Brain!
I Have Already Failed In Physics :p:D
Everyday I see lots of strangers passing by me
This makes me realised that,
Life would be boring, without a friend like you.
Friendship means a little heart dat never hates
A cute smile never fades
A smooth touch that never hurts &
A strong relation dat never breaks.
My heart's like an open book,
it depends on how u read me.
Don"t judge me by my cover..
Look in and discover..
i will be ur True friend for ever...
You Can Love Two People
At The Same Time,
At The Same Level!
A friend gives hope when life is low,
a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go,
a friend is honest, a friend is true.
A friend is precious a friend is u.
Its not an achievement to
make 1000's friends in a year,
but an achievement is when
you make a friend for 1000's years.
"Promises and Friends
are like snowballs.
It's easy to make them
but it's too difficult to keep them."
Sharing A Lovely Relationship
Not Only Depends On The Spoken Words
It Also Depends On
Understanding The Unspoken Feelings