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When is friendship day 2020?

Friendship Day is celebrated every year, on the first Sunday of August. In 2020, it will be celebrated on 6th August. The day for the occasion was declared by the US congress in 1935. The occasion began as a small event, to commemorate the relation shared by friends.

When Is Friendship Day In Future

Year Date
2020 August 6
2020 August 5
2020 August 4
2020 August 2

God made us body parts for a reason

God made us body parts for a reason.
Eyes : to look at you
Hands : to pray for you
Mind : to remember you
Heart : to miss you
Legs : to kick you if u ever forget me!!

Love and WHY

Why Was Snow White Given A Poisoned Apple?
- To Show Us That Not Everyone Is Gonna Be Kind
& Not Everyone Is Really Who They Say They Are.

Why Did Cinderella Run Away At Midnight?
- To Remind Us That Everything Does Have Its Limitations, Even Dreams.

Why Did Ariel Exchange Her Fins For Feet?
- To Show Us That People Are Willing To Give Up Anything
To Be With Who They Love & To Just Be Happy.

Why Did Aurora Sleep For 100 Years?
- To Tell Us That You Might Have To Wait For Quite Some Time
For Your True Love To Come Along,
Sometimes Very Long, But Its Worth It.

Why Did Princess Jasmine Fall For Aladdin?
- To Let Us Know That What The Heart Wants,
It Wants It No Matter What.

Why Was Belle In Love With A Beast?
- To Remind Us That You Cant Really Help Whats On The Outside,
But If The Inside Is Beautiful, Then Nothing Will Stand In The Way Of Your Love

The hardest part of missing friends

The hardest part of
missing friends
is not their absence,
it's when you think
of all those good times
and ask yourself,
'will those moments ever
happen again?'

I want you to love me for what I am

I Want You To Hug Me When I Get Scared.
I Want You To Kiss Me When I Act Like A Kid.
I Want You To Care For Me When I'm Sick.
I Want You To Listen To Me When I Wanna Say Something.
I Want You To Understand My Silence When I Don't Have Words To Express What I Feel.
I Want You To Be There When I Need A Friend.
I Want You To Love Me For What I'm.
And Above All
I Want You To Complete Me.

Old friends r gold, new r diamond

Old friends R gold..!
New friends R

If U got diamond
don't forget the gold,

Bcz to hold a
diamond in a ring U
need a base of gold..!

To love and be loved

There is only one
happiness in life,
to love
and be loved.

~Author Unknown

Who do you like?

He: Who do u like??
She: No one!!

He: OH. Who do u like??
She: No one!!

He: Who do u like?
She: How many times are u gonna ask that?

He: As many as it takes you to say my name. :)

My love for you will never be gone

We've been through a path so dark,
but we still gotten dat special spark,

now we know dat we can neva go wrong,
my love for you will never be gone.

A candle may melt

A candle may melt
and it's fire may die,
but the love you have
given me will always
stay as a flame in my heart.

Never Break 4 things in Life

If some one would like to have
a successful life after marriage
so he should implement this formula.
Never break 4 things in life.
1. Promise
2. trust
3. heart
4. relation

It never sounds when it breaks
but pains a lot.

R: is for red, RED: is for blood

R: is for red.
RED: is for blood
BLOOD: is for heart
HEART: is for love
LOVE: is for you
YOU: is for me
ME: is for you.
(((I MISS YOU)))