Hand grasps at hand
Hand grasps at hand
eye lights eye in good
great hearts expands
grow one in te sense
of this worlds life.
Hand grasps at hand
eye lights eye in good
great hearts expands
grow one in te sense
of this worlds life.
1 Lovely quote:
We always love our love cause
our love always loves
what we love to love &
ur love loves the way
you love ur love.
so keep loving.
Small anger,
silly fightz,
serious jokez,
sensitive feelinz,
senseless speechz,
million sorryz,
billion thanx,
few questionz,
unlimitd answerz,
no hesitation,
full trust.
Mixture of all above is wat v call *FRIENDSHIP* :-)
hapy frndshp day
Its 1 august.
Sweet but not honey,
precious but not money,
bright but not sunshine,
Improves with time but not wine,
dont know?? ,
it's friendship..!
In a year I m:
365 Days Dreaming of U
8760 hours Thinking of U
5,25,600 Minutes Missing U
3,15,36,000 Seconds Treasuring U
"Flower Turns 2 Fruit
Fruit Cant Turns To Flower"
Just Think
Friendship May Turns 2 Love
Love Cant Turns 2 Friendship.
Someday, Someone Will Walk In
Your Life And Make You Realize
Why It Never Worked Out With
Someone Else
What is a friend?
He looks out for you,
inspires you,
laughs with you,
cries with you,
understands you,
guides you and walks with you.
That's what a friend is.
I'm sorry if I have caused you pain,
and much more pain that i might have
and could have caused her...
I'm sorry for my fragility
--that must have been a great burden to you...
I'm sorry for making you feel worried about me,
when I FIRMLY believe you're not supposed to.
I'm sorry to have
a part of my brain and my heart
believe that there was a "slight" truth when you told me
you love me..
I'm sorry...
I love you...
Make a heart which never breaks,
make a smile which never hurts,
make a touch which never pains,
make a friendship which never ends
I can't promise to
solve all your problems,
But I can promise
you wont have to face them alone...
Relations are like glass;
A scratch in one side
will reflect on other side too,
Always handle feelings with care
because scratches cant be removed.!