SMS / Text Messages

Chewing gum and chocolate

Love is like a chewing gum,
it tastes only in the beginning!

But friendship is like chocolate,
it tastes till it ends!

A lovely star dropped on earth one night.

A lovely star dropped on earth one night.
Asked me u want a million dollar or a good friend?
I choosen to have million dollars.
Because I already have you :)

This is the close relationship

What's the meaning of friendship?
this is the close relationship......

in which we want to gossip........
it's the life ship.........
b coz in life,friend's the ship......
frinds'r bound like jip.
friendship's the life's success tip.

Sees Only Good Things In Me!

I Don't Need Someone Who
"Sees Only Good Things In Me!"


I Do Need Someone Who
"Knows About The Bad Things
In Me N And Still Wants To
Spend The Whole Life With Me!"

Why Life Introduced

I can't find a reason why Life Introduced Me to You..
But that's not the question.
Question is: How life knew that I needed a lovely one like you???

Sometimes pain & pleasure

A moment of joy spent
under a willow,
The tear of eye that
wets your pillow,
Sometimes pain
Sometimes pleasure
When given by Friends,
Both are treasure !

If i were a tear in ur eye...

If i were a tear in ur eye
i would roll down onto ur lips.
But if u were a tear in my eye
i wood never cry
as i wood be afraid 2 lose u!

Peoples hate / loves me because...

I know lots of people hate me
because i am 2 bad


few people surely love me
because they know that
my little goodness is not fake.

1 stone is enough 2 break a glass

1 Stone is enough 2 break a glass,
1 sentence is enough 2 break a heart,
1 word is enough to fall in love &
1 friend is enough to live in this world.

Never walk away from a true friend.

Never walk away from a true friend.
When u c some faults,
b patient & realize that nobody is perfect.
It's affection that matters,
not perfection.