SMS / Text Messages

If U can solve ur problem

If U can solve ur problem, then what is need of worrying?
If U cannot solve it, then what is the use of worrying.

Being happy doesn't represent perfection

Being happy doesn't mean
that everything is perfect.

It means that you've decided
to look beyond the imperfections.

A man who is not

A man who is not beautiful at the age of 20 is never beautiful
A man who is not strong at the age of 30 is never strong
A man who is not wise at the age of 40 is never wise
-- Nepolian

The pleasure of having a dream

The pleasure of having a dream is that it is a fantasy.
If it happens, it was never really a dream, it was destiny.

Willpower & ready to change

It's not that
some peoples
have will power
some don't

it's that
Some people
are ready to
others are not..!

Hidden happiness within you

A Man Asked A Sculptorist:
"How Do You Make Such Beautiful Idols From Stone?"
He Replied:
"Idols & Images Are Already Hidden There...
I Remove Unwanted Stone 0nly..!"

Just Remove Your W0RRIES!

Never too late 2 change

V make thm cry who care 4 us,
V cry 4 those who never care 4 us
n we care 4 those who ll never cry 4 us.
Ths is d truth of life, its strange bt true.
once v realize it, its never too late 2 change

Life is full of Blessings

One Man Cried Wen
He had no shoes ,
But he stopped crying when
He saw a man without legs‚¦.
Life is full of Blessings ,
Sum time we Dont understand it..!! !!