SMS / Text Messages

One day sky was crying

One day sky was crying.

I ask him why are you
crying today.

He told me i have lost my
beautiful star.

It was a day when you were born.

A sardar prays daily for 2 hours

A sardar prays daily for 2 hours,
"Hey vaheguru meri lottery lagady."

After 11 years VaheGuru angrily appeared
& said,"Khoti de putar 1 vari ticket te le ley"

My heart says that you like me

My heart says that you like me,
My eyes says that you feel something for me,
My mind says that you think of me,
But till now you are quiet‚¦

Roses r red .. violts r blue

Roses r red,
violets r blue,
monkeys like you should be kept in the zoo.
Dont get angry,
you will find me there too,
not in the cage but laughing at you.

Happiness as light as air.

Happiness as light as air.
Friends as solid as diamonds and
success as bright as gold.
These r my wishes 4 you today n everyday...
Good luck

What's an average 6 inch long

What's an average 6 inch long
Inside a guy's pants and girls love to blow it up?
A:1000- rupee currency note.!
Always think positive

Nice sms collection of good luck sayings, good luck quotes, good luck poems & simply good luck sms / text messages.

Impossible is a word

Impossible is a word
to be found only
in the dictionary of fools.
(Napoleon Bonaparte)

What touches your heart most ?

Think Carefully
What touches ur heart most ?

Being hurt by someone U love a lot
Being loved by someone U have hurted a lot