Wise SMS Quotes / Text Messages

Life is too short to wake up
in the morning with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right
forget about the ones who don't.

Good Morning

What you choose to see

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If U Look for Gud
U ll find Gud
If U look for Bad
U ll find Bad

In Life U always find
What U look for
Only thing tht matter is
What U choose to see


3 simple rules in life

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Three simple rules in life

  1. If you do not GO after what you want,
    You will never heave it.
  2. If you do not ASK,
    the answer will always be NO.
  3. If you do not step FORWARD,
    you will always be in the same place.

If things r happening

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If things r happening
according to ur wish,
u r lucky!
But if they r not,
u r very lucky,
Bcoz they r hapning
according to God's wish!

Hard times are like washing machine

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Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine,
They Twist,
Turn & Knock Us Around,
But In The End we Come Out
Cleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before...

Purpose is more important than need

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In race between lion & deer,

Many time deer wins.
Because lion runs 4 food & deer 4 life.

Remember; ''Purpose is more important than need"

Don't compromise on 2nd position in life.

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A race horse that consistently
runs just 1 second faster
than others is worth millions of dollars more.
Don't compromise on 2nd position in life.

he can blame none but himself

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A mind, like a home,
is furnished by its owner,
so if ones life is cold and bare
he can blame none but himself.

Dont read success story.

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Dont read success story.
Read only failure story,
B'coz, failure story you get new idea to win,
from Success story you get only message.
Good morning to u

Good morning Quote:

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"The minute you think of giving up any relation,
think of the reason why you held it so long"
Good morning and have a nice day.

No one will manufacture a lock without a key.

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No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly, God wont give problems without solutions.
So defeat your problems with great confidence.

Love your self,understaning,dreams..

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Love urself ,
Flirt with ur understanding,
Romance with dreams,
Get engaged with simplicity,
Marry genuiness,
Divorce the ego..
Thats Good Life..