SMS / Text Messages

A prayer to protect until morning

I'm sending a pillow of happy thoughts
to create wonderful dreams,
a blanket of care to comfort you all night
A prayer to protect until morning.


Weakest part of relation

''The weakest part
of a relation comes
when one of the person
has to give explanation
to prove the trust''..!

Says Jim Collinwood

Just wanted 2 say Good Night

() """ ()
( ' ,' )
''' Hey u!!!
Yes u...
the cute one...
holding this
are you asleep?
Juste wanted 2 say
Good Night..!

No market for sorrows

A very practical reality
put into words by Shakespare:

"There's no market for your sorrows in this world,
so never advertise them"

People trying to pull u down

If people are trying to pull you down....
Be proud about it ,
because it only confirms
that you are above them.

As the day turns into night

As the day turns into night.
Keep ur worries out of sight !
No matter how tough the
world may seem, u still deserve the..
Sweetest dream, good night..

Once the moon winks at u tonight,

Once the moon winks at u tonight,
I wish sweet dreams embrace you tight.
Hope your day was quite all right
& now I bid u a lovely goodnight

Everyone will not get everything..

Everyone will not get everything,
This is the RULE of LIFE,
Dont try to get which is not yours.
But dont dare to loose which is yours..!

Wishing the sweetest night to

Wishing the sweetest night
to a sweet natured person.
May u sleep n fall from the bed tonight,
Then u will remember that u forgot
to wish me Good Night!

I was waiting the night to see the moon

I was waiting the night to see the moon
it didn't appear so i called the sky 2 ask where the moon is?
It told me the moon is reading your sms:)
Good night and sweet dreams