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Things 2 take note when u sleep

Things 2 take note when u sleep:
1st-miss me,
2nd-think of me,
3rd-hug me,
4th-love me.

Try 2 sleep now & close ur eyes.
Get prepared 2 dream of me! Good night

A special person, I found in u

A special face,
a special smile,
a special someone,
a special hug from me to u,
a special person, I found in u,

Sweet Dreams & Good Night!

My day won't certainly be over

My day won't certainly be over
for I have something left to do.

I just couldn't sleep yet without
saying I love you. Good Night

Good night my very special friend

Good night my very special friend,
I pray you lay in rest,
And may tomorrow bring you
Much love and happiness.

Do not think of me...i m in ur eyes, in ur heart

Good Night

Look, the moon is calling you

Look...the moon is calling u ...
see the stars r shining for u..

hear my heart says: may Allah build for u
a castle in heaven and made u eat from its fruits !!!!

Good Night (S)

Tiny stars shining bright

Tiny stars shining bright,
Its time 4 me 2 say goodnight,

So close ur eyes & snuggle up tight,
I'm wishing u sweet dreams tonight!

The world is for you

"Never give a chance to
anyone to snatch your smile,
The world is for you,
you are not for the world.":-)

If a person is silent

If a person is Silent
it does't mean He is unknown of Fun,Enjoymnt&Thrills.
But It means Life has taught Him some Lessons
which has made Him Silent..!

Goodnight stands for...

G-o to bed
O-ff the lights
O-ut of tensions
D-reams come
N-ice sleep
I-gnore worries
G-et up early
H-ave a nice day
T-hank God always

Darkness is everywhere

Darkness is everywhere.
The birds are back there home.
Road are quiet
every body is sleeping,
but i m not u know y?
just wanted 2 say u Good night

NOT all fingers are of same LENGTH

NOT all fingers are of same LENGTH,
when they are BENT, all stand in EQUAL length.
LIFE becomes easy
when we BEND & ADJUST to certain situations.