SMS / Text Messages

Just take the first step

Take the first step
you don't have to
see the whole staircase
just take the first step

A WORD of....

A WORD of....
DID is a word of ACHIEVEMENT
WONT is a word of RETREAT
CANT is a word of DEFEAT
OUGHT is a word of DUTY
TRY is a word of each HOUR
WILL is word of BEAUTY
CAN is the word of POWER

Ability to feel pain

The ability to feel pain
is not a weakness, it's a strength.

And those who can endure it, are stronger.

Disappointment and expectation

Don't Blame People
For Disappointing You
Blame Yourself For
Expecting Too Much From Them..!!

God opens millions of flowers

God opens millions of flowers
without forcing the buds,
it reminds us not to force anything
for things happen in the right time.

Throwing the rotten egg off

Be thankful to those
who leave your life for
reasons far from respect,
it saves you the effort of
throwing the rotten egg
off your basket..
~Author Unknown

Open Your Heart ...

Feel The Pain Of Others.
Understand Their Struggles
And Disappointments, Their Hardships
And Inadequacies
Open Your Heart To Them.
Realize That Everyone Is Doing
The Best They Possibly Can.
Judge No One.
But Rather,
Cradle All Of Humanity
In Your Heart

~Author Unknown

Who expect smile from u

A Fantastic Quote For Life Time

''Satisfy d Person
Who Expects A SMILE
From You
Rather Than
Surprising d Person Who
Never Expected Anything
From You ... " =)

True freedom is in inner thing

True freedom is in inner thing
Its a state of mind
Its a deliberate exercise of choice
If v think
V are bound by external force,
V are deceiving ourselves

In a mirror & heart

In a mirror
we find a reflection
of our appearances


in heart
we find a reflection of
our soul