Politics SMS / Text Messages

Those who are too smart
to engage in politics
are punished by being governed
by those who are dumber.

Good citizens who do not vote.

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Bad officials
are elected
good citizens
who do not vote.

I offer my opponents a bargain

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I offer my opponents a bargain:
if they will stop telling lies about us,
I will stop telling the truth about them.

Promising young man should go into politics

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A promising young man
should go into politics so that he can
go on promising for the rest of his life.

Politics is derived from...

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The word politics is derived from the word poly,
meaning many,
and the word tics, meaning blood sucking parasites.

Politics has been concerned with right or left

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Politics, it seems to me, for years, or all too long, has
been concerned with
right or left
instead of
right or wrong.

The return of phoolan devi (bb)

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On great public deman releasing all over Pakistan!
"The return of phoolan devi",
Directed by Condi Rice,
Scripted in London &
Produced by GHQ.
Character Actress: BB (Benazir Bhutto),
Character Actor:Musharraf
Supporting Actor:Fazal urf Maulana Diesel.
Characterless Actors:Chaudhries & Lagharie,
Dancer: Sherry,
Music: MQM
Action sponsored by Al-Qayaida/

Any party which takes credit for the rain

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Any party which takes credit for the rain must not be
surprised if its opponents blame it for the drought.
-Dwight Morrow

Mankind will never see an end of trouble until

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Mankind will never see an end of trouble until...
lovers of wisdom come to hold political power,
or the holders of power...
become lovers of wisdom.

Considering his achievements of

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Considering his achievements
of creating shortage of

Musharaf has been given
the title of Quaid-e-Qillat !!