Can U count the stars in the sky?
Can U count the hair of a sheep?
Can U measure how many gallons
of water is in in the pool?
So how can u
count the love in my heart 4 u
I Love You.
Love SMS Messages & Text for Valentines day in English (Best | Free)
Can U count the stars in the sky?
Can U count the hair of a sheep?
Can U measure how many gallons
of water is in in the pool?
So how can u
count the love in my heart 4 u
I Love You.
"<3" It's a simple symbol composed of two important components in a relationship "Love & Less Than Three" It means that Love is less than three n It has no space for third part.
7 reasons positive emotions are good 4 ur heart:
1-Laughter makes blood flow more freely
2-Hugs release Oxytocin and remove stress from the body
3-When you meet someone that ur heart goes crazy for, your heart gets a workout
4-Spending time with a loved one lowers blood pressure
5-Love letters may lower blood cholesterol
6-Holding hands calms nerves
7-A positive attitude lowers the risk of heart attack
Every body loves you
when you love every body.
No one love you
if you do not love any one.
Time doesn't wait,
if you think you might have found the right one,
treasure the person,
don€™t let that person get away.
Don€™t let fear hold you back.
Give it a try else you might regret later...
"No one other than ourselves know
what can truly makes us happy."
My rose is red,
Ur eyes r blue,
You love me,
and I love u.
Happy valentine's day