Tough times are like physical exercise,
You may not like it while you are doing it
but tomorrow you'll be stronger because of it.
Inspirational Quotes SMS messages & poems (free / funny & famous)
Inspirational Quotes SMS / Text Messages
You r living in past / future or present
If you are depressed,
You are living in the past.
If you are anxious,
You are living in the future,
If you are at peace,
You are living in the present.
You will be happy forever.
If you wait for happy moments,
You will wait forever.
If you start believing that you are happy,
You will be happy forever.
Designer Of Your Future
If You Translate
Every Mistake Of Your Life
Into a 'Positive' One,
You Will Never Be A
'Prisoner Of Your Past',
But A "Designer Of Your Future"
Flexibility win hearts
Flexibility in a stem makes
a tree stand in storm.
Flexibility in behaviour makes
a human win hearts...
Better to be turtle rather than a Rabbit
Its better to be a
‘Turtle’ who walks
patiently and enjoys
every steep of the way,
Rather than to be a ‘Rabbit’
who runs fast
missing every details in life
Negativity of the world can't put you down
Entire water of the sea can't sink a ship
unless it gets inside the ship.
Similarly, negativity of the world
can't put you down
unless you allow it to get inside you.
Plus(+) symbol is made with 2 minus
"The plus symbol is made
with 2 minus symbols!"
So all NEGATIVE things
can B shaped as positives
by our SMART work & POSITIVE thinking!
Life is too ironic to understand
"Life is too ironic to fully understand..
It takes sadness to knw wat happiness is,
noise to appreciate silence
absence to value presence.
The 3 C's of life:
The 3 C's of life:
You must make a choice
to take a chance
Your life will never change.
Determination & Purification like mirror
A relationship should have
determination & purification like a MIRROR..
Which never loses its ability to
REFLECT even if BROKEN into thousand pieces.
Beautiful or ugly
"Things are as they are.
It is you who label them
as beautiful or ugly. " :-)