Inspirational Quotes SMS / Text Messages

3 things you cannot recover in life:
The WORD after its said,
the MOMENT after its missed,
and the TIME after its gone.

Your goals are too small

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"If people are not laughing at your goals,
your goals are too small."
Azim Premji.

Challenges come in 3 categories

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Challenges in life come
in three categories

Those who take the easy way
have a safe and boring life;

those with difficult way
have a tought but satisfying life

and those taking the impossible way
are remembered forever.

There is No Royal Road to Success,

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There is No Royal Road to Success,
But after Success Every Road Becomes Royal,

Best wishes for those who believe in Struggle!

If I wasn't broken

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If I wasn't broken
I may have never known you,
So break me
If it brings me to you Allah..

Live life like a pair of walking feet

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Live life like a pair of walking feet,
The foot that is forward has no pride
the foot behind has no shame

because they both knows their situation will change!

People often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else

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People often feel something but express something else
They mean something but say something else
So learn the art of saying nothing
in such a way that it leaves nothing unsaid...
Good Morning

Brave enough to ask for help

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Be strong enough to stand alone.
Smart enough to know when you need help.
Brave enough to ask for it(help).

Principle of softness overcoming hardness.

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Water is the softest thing,
yet it can penetrate mountains and earth.

This shows clearly
the principle of softness overcoming hardness.

3 simple rules in life

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Three simple rules in life

  1. If you do not GO after what you want,
    You will never heave it.
  2. If you do not ASK,
    the answer will always be NO.
  3. If you do not step FORWARD,
    you will always be in the same place.

Dont fear for facing failure

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Dont Fear For Facing Failure
In The First Attempt
Bcoz Even Successful Maths
Also Starts With Zero Only.

~Author Unknown

Studied everything but never topped

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"I studied everything but never topped,
But today the toppers of
the best universities are my employees" (Bill Gates)
Be creative