Friendship SMS / Text Messages

The best time of ur life
are those when u say
"YES" i m fine,
& u know that
someone would look into your eyes
& say "ENOUGH,now tell the truth!"

Friends are like sketch pens

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Friends are like sketch pens -
they color your lives.
I may be not your favorite color
but u will need me some day
to complete your picture..!!

Keep the lamp of friendship

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Keep the lamp of friendship
burning with oil of Love,
because Sun rises in the east
and set in the west

but the Friendship rises in the Heart
and sets after death.

A true friend is someone

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A true friend is someone,
you can disagree with
and still remain friends ...

For if not,
they weren't true friends
in the first place ...

Roses are pink, as pink as your lips

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Roses are pink
as pink as your lips

stars are bright
as bright as your eyes

Apples are red
as red as your cheeks

Snow is white
as white as your teeth

Dew is fresh
as fresh as your face

Night is black
as black as your hair

Breeze is soft
as soft as your voice

Dawn is warm
as warm as your touch

The sky is beautiful
as beautiful as you

And the world is good
as good as your heart

so i m lucky u r my friend

Bird of friendship

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I'm giving to you a bird of friendship
now its ur responsibility to care it.

U r my friend my companion

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My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

Your friendship is a glowing ember

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Your friendship is a glowing ember
through the year n each december

from its warm n livin spark
W kindle flame against da dark


with its shining radiance light
our tree of faith on Christmas night.

From my side to you

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From MY side to YOU-

knowing a friend like u
has made me happy in
a million ways and if
I ever have to let u go...
i'll find a million reasons to make u stay. :)

You are my friend forever

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MY $weet

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Behind ur smile I know there r sorrows

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Behind ur smile I know there r sorrows,
Behind ur laughter I know there r tears,
And I want u 2 know that behind u
I am always there 4 u.(Friend Forever)

Friends are like a page in a book of life

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Friends are like a page in a book of life,
Every page with a different subject.
But best friends r d index page
covering every subject.
Thx 4 being index page of my life.