Cool/Decent SMS / Text Messages

Shortest word is I.
Sweetest word is LOVE.
Cutest person is U.

When I pray I dont see God

When I pray I dont see God, but I know he listens
As such, When I SMS U I dont see you,
but I know you think of me and Smiles.

1 sweet person like U makes life Sweet

"24 sweet hrs make 1 sweet day"
"7 sweet days make 1 sweet week"
"4 sweet weeks make 1 sweet month"
"but ....."
1 sweet person like U makes life Sweet"

Life is like a piano.

Life is like a piano.
White keys are happy moments
Black keys are sad moments.
But remember both keys r
played together 2 give sweet music.

I know how special u r 2 me

Butterflies dont know
in what color their‚  wings r
but human eyes know how nice-it is.
Likewise u dont knw how sweet u r
but i know how special u r 2 me!

LIFE is like a Book:

LIFE is like a Book:
Each day a new page with adventures to experience,
lessons to learn and good deeds to replicate.
Have A COLORFUL PAGE Everyday.

Smile is a cooling system of heart

Smile is a cooling
System of heart,
Sparking system of eyes,
Lighting system of face,
Relaxing system of mind,

So activate your all systesm & keep smiling :-)


Never loeave SOMEONE for SOMETHING...

Because in life, SOMETHING will leave U,
Someone will always be with U.

Your 1 SMS

My smile + my Joy + my
Pleasure + my Life + my Relief
+ my Honour & my Pride =
Your 1 SMS.

Happiness always looks small

Happiness always looks small if u
hold it in your hands. But when you learn
to share it, u will realize how big & precious
it is.