Cool/Decent SMS / Text Messages

If you are alone,
I'll be your shadow

if you want to cry,
I'll be your shoulder

If you want a hug,
I'll be your pillow.

If you need to be happy,
I'll be your smile.

But any time you need a friend,
I'll just be me

Just for the pleasure of a moment with U.

I have liked many but loved very few.
Yet no-one has been as sweet as U.
I would stand and wait in the worlds longest queue.
Just for the pleasure of a moment with U.

Hamary is SMS ka jawab kia do gay

Kaanto k badlay
Phool kia do ge,

Aansoon k badlay
Khushi kia do ge,

Hum chahtay hain aap se umar bhar ki dosti
Hamary is SMS ka jawab kia do gay...?

Best lines by a best friend

Best lines by a best friend:

"It hurts me wen u talk to s0me0ne else n n0t me.. ..

it hurts even m0re wen s0me1 else makes u smile n i can't . . ."

I feel happy.

I feel happy.
Do u know y?
Coz im lucky
U know y?
coz GOD loves me
U know how?
coz god send me a wonderful friend
U know who?
ITS U!!!

Relationship is like a violen

Relationship is like a violen,

Music may stop now n then,

But strings are attached forever.

So if u r in touch or not,
U r always remembered.

Fruitless & rootless tree

Loveless life is like a fruitless tree
But friendless life is like a rootless tree

Tree can live without fruit
not without roots

Good relationship doesnt need

Good Relations doesn't need
any promises any terms or conditions..

it just need two wonderful people.
One cool like me..
one sweet like u!

Do u love me more than your family?

Boy :Do you love me more than ur family ?
Girl :No
Boy :Why ?
Girl :okay Listen dis.
when i started to walk I fell, u were not there to pick me up. but my mom was.
When i went outside, you were not there to hold my finger. but my dad was
When i cried,u didn't gave me your toys to play,but my brother n sister did.
My family is more precious than anything else :)

I kept your name in my JOURNAL

I kept your name in my JOURNAL,
and posted you in the LEDGER of my heart,
you wont be classified as FIXED ASSETS,
because the MARKET VALUE of friendship
will never DEPRECIATE from heart.